Historical Horse Racing
[11 VAC 10 ‑ 47]
On this Action:
CLOSED Opened on 2/18/2019 and Ended on 3/20/2019

Comment Title | Commenter | |
Encourage competition and increase the cap on HHR machines | Arthur Watson, Castle Hill Gaming | 3/20/19 10:57 pm |
Support of HHR | Keith C. Rogers, Jr. | 3/20/19 7:50 pm |
Increase State and Locality Limits on HHR Machines | Ken Larking | 3/20/19 4:53 pm |
Virginia Equine Alliance Comments on Historical Horse Racing Permanent Regulations | John Hannum, Virginia Equine Alliance | 3/20/19 3:12 pm |
Off Track Betting - Town of Vinton | Joyce Waugh, Roanoke Regional Chamber | 3/20/19 11:39 am |
Historic Horse Racing Terminal Regulations | Beth Doughty, Roanoke Regional Partnership | 3/15/19 1:48 pm |
Historic Horse Racing Terminal Regulations | Jill Loope, Roanoke County Economic Development | 3/14/19 3:04 pm |
In support of the Town of Vinton for additional Historical Horse Racing terminals | Chris Linkous | 3/13/19 11:44 am |
Town of Vinton, Rosies, Colonial Downs, # of terminals is less than what the population should have | Justin Davison, Vinton Area Chamber of Commerce | 3/7/19 4:43 pm |
Support for HHR | Richard Peters, Town of Vinton | 3/7/19 11:43 am |
Interesting | 3/6/19 3:24 pm |
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