Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Wildlife Resources
Board of Wildlife Resources
Game: In General [4 VAC 15 ‑ 40]
Chapter is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Action Adding Section 310: GPS Tracking collars for bear and deer hunting with dogs
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 7/5/2024


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6/4/24  10:10 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Oppose bill


CommentID: 223913

6/4/24  11:39 am
Commenter: Brendan


Please oppose this bill

CommentID: 224035

6/4/24  11:59 am
Commenter: Tate Haughn

Oppose this bill

Oppose this bill

CommentID: 224065

6/4/24  12:19 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Oppose the bill

Please oppose this bill. Not every houndsmen is able to afford to buy GPS equipment to use their hounds. 

CommentID: 224084

6/4/24  12:33 pm
Commenter: Annoymous

GPS collars for Deer and Bear Hounds

Good evening,

Majority if not almost all or every single individual that owns bear or deer hounds y this day in time, already owns and uses GPS collars for their hounds without it already being a law.


CommentID: 224110

6/4/24  1:06 pm
Commenter: Michael Parker

GPS collar bill

Please oppose this bill. Most all dog hunters already have GPS collars already. 

CommentID: 224146

6/4/24  1:52 pm
Commenter: Laake

Oppose bill

Oppose this bill 

CommentID: 224209

6/4/24  4:56 pm
Commenter: David

Please Oppose

Please oppose

CommentID: 224403

6/4/24  5:16 pm
Commenter: Steve Clark

GPS bill

Please oppose this bill. This is very important to thousands of people. Thank you 

CommentID: 224419

6/4/24  8:20 pm
Commenter: John edwards

Oppose gps bill

Oppose gps bill

CommentID: 224575

6/4/24  8:20 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Oppose gps collar bill

I oppose the gps collar bill

CommentID: 224576

6/4/24  8:21 pm
Commenter: Michael

Oppose Bill

Oppose bill

CommentID: 224578

6/4/24  8:59 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

GPS Collar Bill

I oppose this Bill. 

CommentID: 224614

6/4/24  9:11 pm
Commenter: Hunterstables

Please oppose the bill
  1. Please do not pass some people can’t afford them and want to hound hunt!!!
CommentID: 224626

6/4/24  9:14 pm
Commenter: Derek McFadden

Oppose the GPS bill

Oppose the GPS bill !!!!

CommentID: 224631

6/4/24  10:03 pm
Commenter: Shortie

GPS bill

Oppose the gps bill 

CommentID: 224685

6/5/24  5:12 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Oppose gps bill

I oppose gps bill

CommentID: 224844

6/5/24  5:28 am
Commenter: Jarred Seate

Oppose hound trespassing and gps collar bill.

Please oppose the bill. Not all people can afford gps collars. 90 percent of the hunters this day in time have gps collars. 

CommentID: 224846

6/5/24  6:16 am
Commenter: John Turner

Oppose the bill

This is just another way that they can take our rights away as dog hunters 

CommentID: 224853

6/5/24  6:17 am
Commenter: Scott Almond

Oppose Dog Trespassing Bill /GPS Bill

Oppose Dog Trespassing Bill/Gps Bill

CommentID: 224854

6/5/24  6:50 am
Commenter: Brandon Fisher

Oppose this bill

Please oppose this bill the majority of your hunters already have GPS collars!

CommentID: 224873

6/5/24  7:21 am
Commenter: Luke Newbill

I oppose this bill

I oppose this bill

CommentID: 224885

6/5/24  7:35 am
Commenter: Aaron Darden

Please oppose this bill

Please oppose this bill

CommentID: 224892

6/5/24  12:41 pm
Commenter: Joey Thompson

Oppose this bill

I oppose this bill. 

CommentID: 225105

6/5/24  12:51 pm
Commenter: Dennis Burton

GPS oppose

I oppose laws to force use of GPS collars. I also oppose any laws to restrict the us of hounds, beagles or birddogs. 

CommentID: 225112

6/5/24  4:05 pm
Commenter: William Roark

Please oppose this bill

Overall this is not a bad other than the fact it is discouraging young hunters from getting into the sport or hunters on fixed incomes who have done it their entire lives. But GPS systems are expensive and not always reliable. Most hunters have and utilize them but I oppose the bill due to the fact I do not think it is right to the folks who don't have the money to not be able to hunt with hounds.

CommentID: 225314

6/5/24  5:59 pm
Commenter: Bobby Heath

Oppose this bill

Please don’t support this bill! GPS is vital to keeping our dogs safe and out of highways ,off of other folks property’s ! 

GPS Collars do so much good for Everyone ..!

CommentID: 225390

6/5/24  6:03 pm
Commenter: Bobby Heath

Oppose this Bill

Oppose this bill

CommentID: 225393

6/5/24  6:39 pm
Commenter: Steven Amos

Oppose this bill

Please oppose this bill. Not every houndsmen is able to afford to buy GPS equipment to use their hounds. 

CommentID: 225425

6/5/24  9:02 pm
Commenter: Evan Nuzzo


 My name is Evan Nuzzo,  I am from James city county and a life long Virginian but most importantly a houndsmen. I am asking you to oppose the proposed bill.This will be devastating to hunting with dogs in this great state. The change we need is not more laws governing hunting but more enforcement of the laws that are in place and the facts prove it the facts are The trespass regulation will create a Class 3 misdemeanor for dog trespass. More importantly, it specifically creates a criminal trespass offense for a targeted group of people: deer and bear hound hunters — not all hunters with dogs, and not all dogs in the general population.


1076 out of 6128 hunting dog complaints have to do with hunting dogs. (17.5%)

Of those 1076, 749 did not constitute a violation of the law (12.2%) and 327 did have a hunting related violation involving a hunting dog or a person hunting with dogs (5.3%)

Of those 327, 188 are for dogs being on private land without landowner permission and do constitute a violation of the law. This is the point of the proposed regulation.


188 complaints out of 6128 is 3% of all hunting complaints.  This narrow regulation is focused on that 3% of all hunting complaints.  Meanwhile, 97% of all hunting complaints have nothing to do with hunting dogs being on private land without landowner permission in violation of the law.

CommentID: 225537

6/6/24  9:14 am
Commenter: Danielle Ferrell

Oppose Bill

We ask that you please reconsider this bill; there are many people that still enjoy the sport as it started years ago. Not to mention, these houndsmen spend a lot of time and money already training and feeding these dogs that they take great pride in, they shouldn't be forced to add another expense. 

CommentID: 225703

6/6/24  9:43 am
Commenter: Greg

I oppose this bill!!

This bill only supports the wealthy and ideals of people that don't enjoy the Southern way of life!!! Transplants!!!

CommentID: 225709

6/6/24  10:04 am
Commenter: Drew Jackson

I oppose this bill

I have hunted with hounds my entire life and was always taught to respect everyone. We can continue to hunt with hounds the way we have for years by just being respectful of others. 

I hope to one day be able to take my children hunting just like my father did for my brother and I. 

Best Regards,

Drew Jackson 

CommentID: 225713

6/6/24  10:20 am
Commenter: Will Stembridge

I oppose

I oppose this. As an avid hunter this makes it harder for some.

CommentID: 225714

6/6/24  10:26 am
Commenter: Elizabeth Toombs

I oppose this bill!

I oppose this bill. 

CommentID: 225716

6/6/24  10:28 am
Commenter: Austin Toombs

Oppose this bill

I oppose this bill! 

CommentID: 225717

6/6/24  11:54 am
Commenter: Michael Knutti

Oppose this bill!

Please oppose this bill!  This is government over reach at its finest!  What's next?  Will my house pets be required to wear GPS collars also?  I will say probably 98% of hound hunters already use GPS collars but the fact that it could be required or that I could get a ticket if I couldn't afford GPS collars doesn't seem fair to the average hunter or young hunter that doesn't have money to afford these collars. 

CommentID: 225731

6/6/24  12:01 pm
Commenter: Angela Dickenson


This is discrimination at it's finest!  Of ALL the animals in the world, and y'all want to pass more laws on dogs.  JUST DOGS.  Why?  What about all the other animals that wonder across land?  Deer, bear, raccoons, coyotes, cats, dogs, cattle, etc?  Where's the control & regulations on the rest of the animals?  There is none.  Why?  Because elected officials some how think it is their job to see how many laws & regulations they can pass that affect groups of people they don't like or think they may not like.  

If people don't like animals, they should not live in the country OR move here from other areas.  We live on a planet full of animals yet only dogs are regulated.  

This is no longer a free country or state.  We are now 'free slaves' who are taxed to death at every turn, purchase, and most utility bills & controlled or regulated in just about every aspect of our lives.  

Stick to the constitution and upholding that.  

CommentID: 225732

6/6/24  12:12 pm
Commenter: Brittany Lacks


I oppose this bill. Hunters already put a lot of money into their hunting dogs. These dogs should not be required to wear a GPS tracking collar. 

CommentID: 225733

6/6/24  12:38 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

New dog hunting proposals

Oppose all new proposals for change.

CommentID: 225736

6/6/24  1:07 pm
Commenter: Jesse Bowman MRHC

Vote NO

Vote NO to this regulation

CommentID: 225737

6/6/24  1:28 pm
Commenter: Roger Mayberry

Oppose this Bill!

Please oppose this bill!

CommentID: 225740

6/6/24  1:37 pm
Commenter: Bridgette Green


Oppose the bill

CommentID: 225741

6/6/24  1:54 pm
Commenter: G.R.


I Oppose this Bill

CommentID: 225743

6/6/24  2:12 pm
Commenter: Rex A Bruce

Dog collar bill

Please oppose this bill

CommentID: 225746

6/6/24  3:00 pm
Commenter: Michael Moore

Oppose the Bill

Oppose the Bill

CommentID: 225749

6/6/24  5:11 pm
Commenter: Anthony DeSantis


I strongly oppose this bill! Dog hunting is a tradition and a way of life in south side Virginia. 

CommentID: 225753

6/6/24  8:01 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

GPS Collar

I oppose this bill

CommentID: 225757

6/6/24  8:09 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

GPS Collars

Please consider voting no on legislation that would require hunters to have gps collars on their dogs. It is not always an option for someone to be able to afford gps collars. They are very expensive and would keep young people from wanting to get into the sport because of the up front cost that would be had. 

CommentID: 225760

6/7/24  7:18 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Opposed to GPS regulation

While I am not opposed to the idea of GPS collars being required, I am opposed to the proposal as written. This proposal singles out two forms of hunting and ignores all other types of hunting and leisure activities including dog usage. This proposal needs additional language and consideration and is not ready for implementation in its current state. 

CommentID: 225771