Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Wildlife Resources
Board of Wildlife Resources
Game: In General [4 VAC 15 ‑ 40]
Action Adding Section 310: GPS Tracking collars for bear and deer hunting with dogs
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 7/5/2024
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6/6/24  12:01 pm
Commenter: Angela Dickenson


This is discrimination at it's finest!  Of ALL the animals in the world, and y'all want to pass more laws on dogs.  JUST DOGS.  Why?  What about all the other animals that wonder across land?  Deer, bear, raccoons, coyotes, cats, dogs, cattle, etc?  Where's the control & regulations on the rest of the animals?  There is none.  Why?  Because elected officials some how think it is their job to see how many laws & regulations they can pass that affect groups of people they don't like or think they may not like.  

If people don't like animals, they should not live in the country OR move here from other areas.  We live on a planet full of animals yet only dogs are regulated.  

This is no longer a free country or state.  We are now 'free slaves' who are taxed to death at every turn, purchase, and most utility bills & controlled or regulated in just about every aspect of our lives.  

Stick to the constitution and upholding that.  

CommentID: 225732