Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Regulations Governing the Practice of Towing and Recovery Operators [24 VAC 27 ‑ 30]
Action General Regulations For Towing and Recovery Operators
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/21/2008
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2/7/08  11:50 pm
Commenter: Meredith Russell

honest & fairness

I have listened, and I have read,  It is clear to me, that this board needs to become more forth coming, and dilligent in their efforts to educate and inform the towing industry, that you so hastily wish to regulate.  I have listened to local towers talk for hours regarding their treatment by your "board."  After a small business owner (and in most cases, operator), drives 2 hours to attend your radomley announced meetings, you dignify them with an entire 2 minutes.  Two stinking minutes, that your "board," blantantly ignores commentors during their small amount of time you have so graciousley bestowed upon them.  You claim to want, even invite towers to participate in their own destiny, and when they do you shut them down with a minimum of time and respect.  That does not seem to be the way to encourage involvement, rather a tactic to discourage participation.  What is this "board" so afraid of?  How deep and dark is the closet, that towers feel like they are definetly not receiving full disclosure from this entity?   I had a chance to view correspondence from the "board" to a local tower,and in my opinion it was bit shrewd and condesending.  If this "board" knows people (and I mean a lot of people), have issues with these proposed regulations, why won't  you answer specific questions.  Instead the "board" has chosen to muddy up the waters so badly, that it leaves you with the explicit feeling of deceit, and dishonesty.  I know for a fact that I registered the contact information for the towing service I work for more than once, and we have NOT received all of the correspondence this "board" claims to have sent.  Let it be known that on both occasions I sent an address, a fax number, and an e-mail address, as well as registered with VA Town Hall.  However when you log on for information in January 2008, and you can only retrieve information on the "boards" meetings as recent as Oct 13, 2007, even if it is not the intention of the "board" to be "sneaky" their actions certainly leave you feeling that way.  What happened to what is right and what is simply wrong, and then making the honest good decisions based on mutual respect.  This "board" does not seem interested in "mutual respect'" or honesty for that matter.  I have heard many good suggestions, from many different and well respected towers in my community and there are answers to all of these questions and concerns, if this "board" can move past it's greed, and ego.  I fear only then can we sit down for rational and sensible safety regulations.

CommentID: 648