Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/18/22  9:23 pm
Commenter: Sarah B.

We need virtual visits

We needed virtual visits before the pandemic struck, certainly need them now during the pandemic, and will still need virtual visits after.


My daughter with significant disabilities can be greatly accommodated safely, and peacefully with virtual visits. She is not exposed to viruses and bacteria unnecessarily, she is calmer with less anxiety when she is safe in her own environment, she is safer than being in busy and dangerous traffic during poor weather and storms, and she is also more outgoing and communicates more in the comfort of her own space, rather then be activated with sensory overload and anxiety being in office.

Everyone deserves the safety, peace, and ADA accommodation options of virtual visits. For many, it’s a matter of life and death as many folks don’t mask or stay home while ill. It’s always been dangerous for many and the virtual options should never go away, they should always be offered.

 Thanks for your consideration,


Sarah B.

CommentID: 206663