Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/14/22  8:33 am
Commenter: Sky

Putting the medically fragile at riak

It has come to my attention that the state is requiring in person visits again, in spite of the fact that so many clients prefer the safety provided to their loved ones by virtual visits. The very nature of Medicaid services is to provide care for these immunocompromised individuals. These caregivers do have difficult responsibilities caring for loved ones. Trying to coordinate in person visits not only brings concern for illness introduced into their carefully guarded home but it also adds strain to the caregivers.

I understand that the state is concerned that these clients are being properly cared for but is it really necessary to do in person visits every time? Couldn't it be done on a much more limited basis to ensure the care of the clients simultaneously WITH compensation to the facilitator for fuel and wear and tear on their personal vehicle?

The greatest concern is that clients who live in remote regions are going to be unable to receive care because the state doesn't properly compensate the facilitators! Why are they not compensated for their fuel?!? The state is forcing facilitators to choose between providing for their own families or being available to help out these families in need.

There is an overwhelming desire from caregivers that virtual visits be made optional. Please seriously consider meeting these people in their need and allowing them the option to continual virtual visits so that more people can receive compensation in the care of their loved ones.

CommentID: 206591