Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Regulations Governing the Practice of Towing and Recovery Operators [24 VAC 27 ‑ 30]
Action General Regulations For Towing and Recovery Operators
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/21/2008
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3/20/08  3:29 pm
Commenter: David Friedman, Century Towing Service, Inc.

BTRO Harmful to Towing Industry

For what logical and rational reason do we need the BTRO?  As a tower who runs legal WT tags on all of my tow trucks, I pay an additional fee to the DMV for the "Intrastate Operating Authority."  It is my understanding that this additional fee goes towards the regulation of the towing industry already.  When reviewing the Intrastate Operating Authority information they have over twenty offenses listed, that are considered to be a class 5 felony, if caught in violation of these towing rules.  Why do we need to be regulated twice, and pay all of the fees associated for such regulation twice?  Will the DMV refund those fees as well as remove any future fees associated with the Intrastate Operating Authority, in the event I have to start paying this board for regulation as well?  If not, that makes this criminal, kind of like taxation with out representation!

It is my humble opinion this board exists for no other reason than to make greed and hipocracy legal in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  That is just sad and pathetic.  I have read all of the comments posted on this public forum, and there is one thing that is undeniable, 99% of these comments express feelings of distrust, frustration, confusion, fear, and even anger towards this board and it's members.  How can towers outside of the BTRO's approved associations as well as lobbyist go un-heard?  When will the BTRO respond with something that even resembles concern for the towers outside of their inner clique?  It is no big secret here in the Tidewater region that VATRO, MIROAH, and their filthy lobbyist have treated most of us like sub-standard members of the towing industry.  Why do I have to agree with these rules and regulations to be referred to as something more that just one of those "Dumb Bubba's" from the south?  (I do attend meetings as well as pay attention, and I hear all of the "off the record" comments made in the hall ways by some of your overpaid conscious free lobbyists)  Then this board has the audacity to question why other towers do not feel welcome to be involved.  What did this board ever do to honestly and truly make anyone on the outside feel welcome?  Is it the entire two minutes you give us to speak at the beginning of your meetings?  The two minutes that I have witnessed some board members passing notes or even whispering in the ear of other members, mean while completely disregarding the person who is speaking.  For some of us it takes a lot to get to Richmond, and we are shown zero hospitality by the BTRO.  Is this how you encourage involvement, or discourage it.  Will participation in opposing this board result in a "scarlet letter" being place on me, my staff, and other towers who are brave enough to stand up for what is right?

This board has done nothing to improve safety regarding police and public towing.  We are not all common crooks, or mindless idiots for that matter, so for this board to think that such regulation in the name of safety (what a hoax) would just fly, is an absolute insult,  Exposure it the only way to make this right, so I encourage all towers to take a chance and stand up for them selves, their companies, their families, and their livelihood.

I am proud to post and put my name on these comments, my comments!

David Friedman, Century Towing Service, Inc. Virginia Beach, VA

CommentID: 1165