Action | Mental Health Skill-building Services |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 10/23/2015 |
Proposed Language:
3. The LMHP, LMHP-supervisee, or LMHP-resident shall complete, sign, and date the ISP within 30 days of the admission to this service. The ISP shall include documentation of how many days per week and how many hours per week are required to carry out the goals in the ISP. The total time billed for the week shall not exceed the frequency established in the individual's ISP. The ISP shall indicate the dated signature of the LMHP, LMHP-supervisee, or LMHP-resident and the individual. The ISP shall indicate the specific training and services to be provided, the goals and objectives to be accomplished, and criteria for discharge as part of a discharge plan that includes the projected length of service. If the individual refuses to sign the ISP, this shall be noted in the individual's medical record documentation.
QMHPs should be able to complete and sign the ISP, and not just LMHPs. At least, QMHPs should be able to complete, with LMHP review. In addition, regular provision of care is allowable when completed by QMHPS, as are ISP Reviews.