Action | Mental Health Skill-building Services |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 10/23/2015 |
To Whom it May Concern,
I was alerted by our MHSS coordinator to a partular excerpt from the proposed changes. It's difficult to reference, but it's #3, towards the bottom. It is the first sentence of a larger paragraph describing the completion of the ISP for MHSS:
"3. The LMHP, LMHP-supervisee, or LMHP-resident shall complete, sign, and date the ISP within 30 days of the admission to this service."
This is the only ISP reference that doesn't include the "QMHP-A, QMHP-E" credentials. Since this was immediately following the regulation for the SSPI, and had the same phrasing, I thought it may be in inadvertant omission. If it isn't, this would be the only service under CMHRS, that would require an LMHP to complete the ISP. I appreciate your time and consideration.
Thank you,
Scott Britton,
Director of Quality Assurance