Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Housing and Community Development
Board of Housing and Community Development
Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code [13 VAC 5 ‑ 63]
Action Update the Uniform Statewide Building Code
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 9/29/2013
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9/23/13  10:28 am
Commenter: Billy Weitzenfeld

Adopt Energy Efficiency Building Codes

It is absolutely essential that Virginia adopt the full 2012 IECC energy efficient building codes. Buildings account for over 40% of our energy use in the U.S. Requiring new homes and commercial buildings to be more energy efficient is the first/best step in reducing energy waste and represents a common sense approach to reducing consumption. 90% of electricity generated in the U.S. is the result of burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuesl have a huge impact on our natural environment - including the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil we use to grow food. Anything we can do collectively to be less wasteful and consume less is a win/win for everybody. Do not allow special interest groups - who oppose these new building standards - the ability or power to satisfy their narrow agenda. The standards are already watered down because Virginia has opted to allow "visual" inspection vs. diagnostic testing for duct leakage and air sealing. "Visual" testing does not work. Air leakakge and duct leakge must be verified and quantified by a blower door and a duct blaster. So reducing the effectiveness of these standards even further is a huge step backwards.

Billy Weitzenfeld

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CommentID: 29051