Early Intervention services in VA have an age criteria for eligibility to be between birth and 36 months (day before third birthday). As a child exits the program, referrals are often made to Part B services (school based). For the schools, eligibility criteria is based on academic progressions as well as a higher % for developmental delays (40 while Early Intervention is 25%). Often, children referred are at a higher rate of being found ineligible for school-based services after the receiving Early Intervention services which creates a gap in needed services for children between the ages of 3 to Kindergarten. I would propose that the age criteria for Early Intervention services be INCREASED to serve eligible children birth to 4 which would reduce this gap in service. If we continue with the current gap in services, it later becomes expensive to not only the local school systems, but other community agencies as additional support and services will be needed to help the child with delays, atypical development, or diagnoses.