Action | Repeal CO 2 Budget Trading Program as required by Executive Order 9 (Revision A22) |
Stage | Final |
Comment Period | Ended on 8/30/2023 |
I'm writing to ask that Virginia stay as a RGGI member state, something that most Virginians are in favor of. A recent Grist article stated that, "Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin wants to withdraw from the initiative despite the fact it has provided $657 million for flood preparedness and energy-efficiency programs and reduced the state’s carbon emissions by almost 17 percent" ( RGGI supports weatherization for low-income housing, prepares communities for floods during increasingly unpredictable and severe weather patters, and incentivizes emissions decreases from high polluters.
The overwhelming majority of comments during the last comment period were opposed to RGGI's repeal. The law, and it is law, is good for communities and an important piece of solving the climate crisis. I ask that the governor, the DEQ, and the Air Pollution Control Board both consider the stated desires of Virginia residents and the health of our children, our frontline communities, and our planet. Please remain in RGGI. Thank you.