Action | Repeal CO 2 Budget Trading Program as required by Executive Order 9 (Revision A22) |
Stage | Final |
Comment Period | Ended on 8/30/2023 |
It never ceases to amaze me how good people get taken by a system that purports to be for people. As Governor Youngkin pulls constituents who voted for him out of RGGI, these good people are at the mercy of their power companies and the amount of "fees" which really is another word for taxes. Here the RGGI gives back benefits for increased weatherization in houses which allows some comfort from the energy companies' "fees."
I wonder how many of these Board Members have been sent to Southwest Virginia to ask people about the RGGI benefit. No, some of the people may not know about RGGI, but they know their houses are insulated producing lower energy bills.
Governor Youngkin has a fine business career that calls for support of the profit while cutting taxes to allow companies to flourish. I get that. But I don't get how the Governor thinks that a rebate of $200 or $400 could substitute for the thousands of dollars of house upgrades.
The Governor happily walks to the voting booth knowing that the above people are solidly behind him. I couldn't live with myself knowing people don't get benefits from the taxes they already pay. Not sure this is a good idea from a business standpoint. House deterioration means more housing infrastructure failures which ultimately leads each county to raise the real estate tax rate in each county. Makes no sense.
The RGGI, in my mind, is a double-edged benefit. It allows housing infrastructure to improve while helping the environment.
In usurping the rule of law, Governor Youngkin has challenged the General Assembly. Such challenges have occurred since the Marbury vs Madison case in the early 1800's. Whether right or wrong, the people's representatives have a better take. His SW General Assembly members will continue to get their votes while supporting the Governor. Oh, they may throw their constituents a nugget once in a while, but in the end, I'm not sure they would choose their constituents over the Governor in the case of the RGGI. However, I'm praying that the General Assembly is allowed to make the decision. If in favor of the RGGI, the Governor can veto while the General Assembly can override or overturn the RGGI decision. This is the right thing to do. It's what the Founding Fathers intended.