Omega Protein is ruining the Chesapeake Bay and along with that the people and families that make a living off the bay natural resources. It is a Canadian company that is over fishing the Chesapeake striping it of any and all bait fish and menhaden sending those resources to Canada to they sell back to the American consumer in dog food, fertilizers, etc. Virginia is the only state that does not have restrictions on overfishing menhaden within the bay. The other states that also share the Chesapeake bay have laws against overfishing but again not Virginia. Omega is a huge issue and if allowed to continue at the pace the Chesapeake Bay will become a barren environment no longer able to sustains life. My husband and I own a boat we live in Gloucester every time we go out on the water we see an Omega Protein boat with there huge nets and the planes flying around to spot the schools of bait fish. This needs to stop. Please save the bay!