Virginia's solid waste and recycling policies and regulations are unclear and in need of specific improvements. DEQ should identify ways to incorporate source reduction into their regulations, and begin this process with the most-littered as well as the most difficult-to-recycle products. The ultimate goal should be an authentic, genuine circular economy, and the agency's plan should be in following with this goal.
Recommendations to the Agency:
The intent of Executive Order 19 (EO19) to reduce regulatory oversight by 25% is arbitrary and will not lead toward meaningful reduction or diversion of waste. EO19 should not serve as a guiding document in the Agency's Periodic Review process or considerations.
Increase and improve upon monitoring and benchmarks.
Measuring waste by weight rather than volume is misleading and inappropriate.
Develop a comprehensive list of recyclables in Virginia.
Improve and increase goals.
Require producers to achieve goals.
Eliminate the greenwashing of recycling.
Thank you for this opportunity to provide public comment. Virginia Conservation Network and our more than 150 Partner organizations look forward to working with DEQ to bring about meaningful and substantive reduction and diversion of wastes while protecting the Commonwealth's environmental and human health.