Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Virginia Waste Management Board
Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Regulations [9 VAC 20 ‑ 130]
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6/26/23  10:17 am
Commenter: Daniel Baxter, President Virginia Recycling Association

VRA Recommendations for the 2023 DEQ Solid Waste Planning & Recycling Regulations

We propose that the word municipal be removed from 9VAC20-130-120 B. Which would change it from, “A minimum recycling rate as specified in 10.1-1411 of the Code of Virginia for total municipal solid waste generated annually in each solid waste planning unit shall be met and maintained. 


To “A minimum recycling rate as specified in 10.1-1411 of the Code of Virginia for total solid waste generated annually in each solid waste planning unit shall be met and maintained.


Removing municipal from the language incentivizes planning units to invest in and make the effort to recover and recycle material outside of MSW such as construction and demolition debris and  electronic waste as these efforts can then be reported potentially providing a direct impact on their overall recycling and recovery numbers. 

CommentID: 217447