I’m writing to ask that the DEQ not issue a permit for the proposed RiverTrail Solar / Energix project in Carroll County due to the deceptive practices leading up to the PBR meeting in Galax .
As required, River Trail Solar / Energix posted public notices in the Galax Gazette on 11/2/22 and 11/9/22 in both of these public notices Energix / River Trail stated that the Carroll County Board of Supervisors had already approved the River Trail project , this was a false statement that should have not been included in the public notices .
Energix/River Trail’s attempt to discourage residents from attending the meeting by misrepresenting it as a done deal is quite obvious .
The lack of transparency and attempts to game the DEQ’s regulations by Energix throughout Virginia should not be tolerated .
Allowing Energix to move forward by issuing them permits at this time without further review would be a disservice to the people of Virginia.