I support the idea and practice that parents (above any and all other humans) have the right and obligation to educate and instruct their children in all matters concerning religion, morality, ethics, etc (including but limited to family structure and sexuality). The ultimate and supreme authority is The Lord God Jesus Christ. He has given parents this earthly authority, honor and obligation.
I believe that such topics have been far too explicitly presented in many schools across the United States…especially in the past 10 years (accelerating in the past 2-3 years). Schools are not the place for pornography, grooming and discussions of sexually explicit content. Ironically, many of educators won’t even allow this material to be read aloud in school board hearings.
Children are not “hostages” to the cause of “professional” educators and the system. They are blessings from God to parents who are entrusted to firstly raise them unto God in His ways.