I read the comments of the citizens who are concerned with the financial assurance of a company wanting to put a landfill in our fine Commonwealth. Ms. Franke did an excellent job of presenting her position on this matter. I, for one, am in full support of everything she and others said. It is time for the regulators to take a more firm stand on ensuring the citizens quality of life and protecting our environment. It is right that companies who built and managed landfills such as Bristol, VA are now looking to us, the taxpayers, for funds to correct things that are very costly. Where was the regulator over the last 20 years while this landfill was operational; what were they doing to protect the citizens of Bristol; and, what type of monitoring did they do over the years in the financial assurance area to protect the people of Bristol? It is time to hold our local, state, and federal government responsible to the citizens and not corporations who put dollar signs in front of their eyes.
One major component of the current regulation I do not understand is why the corporation is allowed to pick its own option of financial assurance. How do we know it is not a sub-corporation of the corporation asking for the permit. Self-insurance is not good business.
I know CCLA submitted a letter to the current Attorney General and the prior Attorney General of Virginia concerning the financial stability of the parent company of Green Ridge who is proposing to put a 1200-acre mega dump in Cumberland County. There are many questions about the financial stability of Green for Life (GFL) whose company is currently operating at a loss and is heavily leveraged. The letter was quite long and presented many weaknesses in GFL's financial condition and leadership. Naturally, no response was received from either of the people filling the position of Attorney General.
There is a strong need to strengthen the regulation regarding the financial assurance of corporations seeking to ruin our environmental with landfills (dump). It is time for the DEQ and others concerned with the safety and quality of life for citizens to stand up and do what is right for the people of this Commonwealth. The loss of even one life from illness caused by a landfill, is not protecting the residents of Virginia and cannot compare to the few dollars generated by a dump!