Waivered Services
[12 VAC 30 ‑ 120]
On this Action:
CLOSED Opened on 9/26/2011 and Ended on 12/9/2011
Comment Title | Commenter | |
Individual Supported Employment | Didlake | 10/19/11 9:07 am |
Our Choices Advocacy Comments | Our Choices Advocacy Group | 12/1/11 9:49 am |
More Person-Centered Language Suggestion | Elizabeth Pleinka | 12/1/11 10:30 am |
Remove the references to Mental Retardation or its abbreviation as they are outdated | Raymond M. Beverage | 12/1/11 11:21 pm |
comments on Waiver Regulations | Alan Wooten, Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board | 12/8/11 10:44 am |
comments on Waiver Regulations regarding Day Services | Alan Wooten, Fairfax-Falls Church CSB | 12/8/11 10:46 am |
ID Waiver comment, Sections 1000-1005 | Maureen Hollowell, Virginia Medicaid Waiver Network | 12/8/11 10:19 pm |
ID Waiver comment, Section 1010, Eligibility | Virginia Medicaid Waiver Network | 12/8/11 10:21 pm |
ID Waiver comment, Section 1020, Covered services A-F | Virginia Medicaid Waiver Network | 12/8/11 10:28 pm |
ID Waiver comment, Section 1020 G-J | Virginia Medicaid Waiver Network | 12/8/11 10:33 pm |
ID Waiver comment, Section 1020 K | Virginia Medicaid Waiver Network | 12/8/11 10:34 pm |
ID Waiver comment, Section 1020 L-P | Virginia Medicaid Waiver Network | 12/8/11 10:35 pm |
ID Waiver comment, Section 1040 Providers | Virginia Medicaid Waiver Network | 12/8/11 10:37 pm |
ID Waiver comment, Section 1060 Provider requirements | Virginia Medicaid Waiver Network | 12/8/11 10:38 pm |
ID Waiver comment, Sections 1070 and 1088 | Virginia Medicaid Waiver Network | 12/8/11 10:39 pm |
12VAC30-120-1005 -Waiver Description & Legal Authority | Karen Tefelski, vaACCSES | 12/9/11 7:51 am |
12VAC30-120-1020 Covered Services | Karen Tefelski, vaACCSES | 12/9/11 7:53 am |
12VAC30-120-1020 Covered Services | Karen Tefelski, vaACCSES | 12/9/11 7:55 am |
Intellectual Disability Waiver Regulations (1) | Debra Holloway, The Arc of Virginia | 12/9/11 9:33 am |
Intellectual Disability Waiver Regulations (2) | Debra Holloway, The Arc of Virginia | 12/9/11 9:44 am |
Definitions 12VAC30-120-1000 | Yvonne Russell | 12/9/11 4:29 pm |
Waiver Description and Legal Authority | Yvonne Russell, Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services | 12/9/11 4:32 pm |
Individual eligiblity requirements 12VAC30-120-1010 | Yvonne Russe, HAMHDS | 12/9/11 4:34 pm |
Individual Eligibility Requirements | Yvonne Russell, HAMHDS | 12/9/11 4:37 pm |
Covered Services 12VAC30-120-1020 | Yvonne Russell | 12/9/11 4:39 pm |
General Requirements for Providers 12VAC30-120-1040 | Yvonne Russell HAMHDS | 12/9/11 4:42 pm |
Participation standards 12VAC30-120-1060 | Yvonne Russell, HAMHDS | 12/9/11 4:44 pm |
respite hours | Suzanne Vail, parent | 12/9/11 7:34 pm |
respite hours | Suzanne Vail, parent | 12/9/11 7:34 pm |
Comments on Supported Employment | Sherman Gifford, The Choice Group | 12/9/11 8:43 pm |
DMAS Waiver Regulation Comments | Thalia Simpson-Clement, St. John's Community Services | 12/9/11 9:27 pm |
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