In accordance with the provision of Section 10.1-1411 of the Code of Virginia, and Sections 9 VAC 20-130-180 and 9 VAC 20-130-190 of the Solid Waste Management Planning and Recycling Regulations, Amendment 2, the Director of the Department of Environmental Quality (Director) intends to designate a solid waste management region for the local governments of the Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) as the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission – Solid Waste Management Planning Region. The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission – Solid Waste Management Planning Region is comprised of the cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach, the counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton, and the towns of Boykins, Branchville, Capron, Courtland, Ivor, Newsoms, Smithfield and Windsor. The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission – Solid Waste Management Planning Region will be designated for the development and/or implementation of a regional solid waste management plan and the maintaining of the recycling rate of solid waste generated within the designated area. SPSA will remain as the regional solid waste management agency.
A petition has been received by the Department of Environmental Quality for the designation on behalf of the local governments.
Following the closing date for comments, the Director will determine if there is any need for a public hearing to be held in the proposed region prior to the designation. At least 14 days prior to any such public hearing, a notice of the proposed public hearing will appear in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation within the proposed solid waste planning unit.
Any questions concerning this notice should be directed to the staff contact listed below.
The comment period begins on July 2, 2012 and ends at 5:00 p.m. on July 16, 2012. Anyone wishing to comment on the designation of this region should respond, in writing, during the comment period to the staff contact listed below.