Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollution Abatement Regulation and General Permit for Poultry Waste Management [9 VAC 25 ‑ 630]
Action Develop requirements that will address concerns regarding transfer and off-site management of poultry waste in the Commonwealth.
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/21/2009
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8/21/09  10:52 pm
Commenter: Jonathan Uston (Supporting Shenandoah Riverkeeper)

Please Pass The Poultry Litter Regulation

Dear Members of the Water Control Board:
I very much support the proposed amendments to VPA.
Poultry waste is a commodity, and valuable to many parties.
All commodities are regulated in some ways for environmental and market protection.
The amendments are a very non threatening way to help preserve the environment, and the market for this commodity.
If fish kills, river degradation and excessive runoff from over application, poor storage practices and mis-application continue, the future regulations could be much stronger than these, which appear very mild to me, and more severe regulations could threaten this market.
As a fisherman and preservationist, I've seen first hand the results of excessive nutrient loads in the Shenandoah and Potomac. It has consequences to a recreation industry in the state that produces millions of dollars in revenues.  If this industry is threatened, the regulations on poultry waste will likely be severe indeed.
Jonathan Ustun
8614 Bradgate Road
Alex VA 22308

CommentID: 9926