Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/19/20  8:04 am
Commenter: Elisabeth Provenzano

Stop forcing healthy Virginians to wear masks.

stop for ing healthy Virginians to wear masks.  Mask mandate is making healthy people sick and is confusing.  The masks are causing skin irritation, headache, fatigue, brain fog, and anxiety.   The mandate has people arguing and fighting over an unnecessary mask that does nothing to protect our health. Reporting resources are a waste of money and all the harsh language in the signs hanging across our state are scaring people.   People are wearing them alone in their cars, outside, and the masks are covering identity.  People are becoming more and more fearful.  Stop the mask mandate.  It should be up to Virginians to decide if they want to use a mask.  Most people are smart enough to stay home when sick.  Most of Virginia has been exposed to COVID and have made it through.  Masks should not be mandatory.  Save them for places that have high numbers of immunocompromised people or elderly people.  Stop mandating based on a fear, a false sense of security, and no good scientific information.  Enough is enough.

CommentID: 80665