Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/18/20  9:56 pm
Commenter: Lakesha Bailey, former employee of Tyson Foods

All Workers Deserve Better Conditions

My former co workers safety and health during this pandemic is very important to me. They are like family. It hurts to see my family suffering from losses of loved ones and/or feeling the pressure of being forced to come to work during this pandemic. Tyson foods recently terminated me because i am unable to continue working there as long as my mother's health was at risk. My mother was diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis in the beginning of March, around the same time COVID-19 cases started appearing in Tyson. My doctor and her doctor both said that if i continued to work there, i could no longer be her caretaker because i would put her at risk of contracting the virus. After having a scare myself being told i tested positive then 5 hours later negative, my mind was already running in circles. The pressure i was feeling having tyson calling me knowing what my mother's condition is also led to my anxiety becoming out of control. Tyson requested documentation, i sent it, i was still terminated. That place IS NOT SAFE during this pandemic! Neither poultry plant is! They are allowing ASYMPTOMATIC employees to come back to work before a 14 day quarantine, and those that are positive after 14 days if they don't have symptoms but are still positive they can come back to work. How is the spread going to stop? Also while i was on leave from having to quarantine i was not paid for anything and i was FMLA eligible. I am not the only employee that did not get paid. Something has to be done to save our lives on this Eastern Shore. I understand it's not just the plants but also the community. I feel like if the plants close down and get properly sanitzed because im sorry, 72 hours is not an adequate amount of time to clean the ENTIRE plant, Not just the production areas but the ENTIRE plant, then the employees can't use the excuse they have to go to work and will STAY HOME. In the meantime, those that have health conditions that make them vulnerable should not have to feel pressured to put their health at risk. 

Workers across the Commonwealth need enforceable protections for their own health and the public health at large during this pandemic and beyond. These emergent, common-sense standards are essential to both critical workers and the vibrant business community of Virginia.  

I request that you pass the standards on June 24, 2020, without hesitation, to prevent further damage to the health of workers and the public in response to this emergency within an emergency.

Thank you for your consideration, 

Lakesha Bailey 

CommentID: 80592