Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/18/20  1:19 pm
Commenter: Evelyn Ruffin - private concerned citizen, supporter of VICPP

Emergency Protection for Workers during time of Pandemic

I strongly support all measures proposed to protect essential workers from the Covid-19 virus,, and feel that this is the responsibility of employers.  This should include PPE, some sort of shield where social distancing is not possible, hand sanitizer and soap and  water readily available, and a way of eating safely.  I also feel that there should be flexibility with regard to sick leave related to Covid-19 and that it should be paid and that housing for farm workers should not be crowded.  These people are fulfilling important needs for our society and should not have to pay an exceptionally steep price for doing so.

CommentID: 80449