Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/18/20  12:55 pm
Commenter: Roberta Oster, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy

Support emergency regulations to protect workers

As a resident of Henrico and an employee of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy - I add my comments - which are personal and professional. I strongly support the proposed emergency regulations to protect Virginia workers which will be voted on by June 22 by the Virginia Safety and Health Board. 

During this pandemic, Virginia must protect workers as best as we can and provide regulations to employers so that we have a consistent public health plan to stop the spread of this deadly virus. My mother was in nursing home in Henrico for years and I know the dangers faced by health care workers and residents. I am also a high-risk person for health reasons and I have many friends who are at risk as well.

This is a health issue, an economic issue and it's a moral issue. Many of our essential workers are risking their lives to provide food and essential services and they deserve to be protected and to have their health care costs covered if they get sick. This is also a moral issue - all workers must be protected to keep them and their families safe - and to keep the public safe. I call upon Governor Northam and the Board to pass these regulations and protect all members of the Commonwealth.

And thank you for the good work you have done thus far. Please pass these regulations! I am happy to testify in person or send a video or do whatever I can as a proud Virginian to support the passage of these critical regs. 

CommentID: 80447