Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/18/20  10:43 am
Commenter: Nicole Knutson

“NO” Mask Mandates

There has been much debate recently about the use of government mandates to require citizens to wear masks. I’m sure our legislators are aware that the cloth face covering is ineffective and (in some cases) causing more harm than good...(especially for those with prolonged mask wearing required at their places of employment, while intensely exercising, people with respiratory illness/distress, people with conditions of the nervous system, those who are already compromised in any way cardiovascular, and the list GOES ON)...Wearing a mask is a known IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT as the body struggles to maintain healthy oxygen levels in the blood. It also seems prudent to mention that such mandates put pressure on private businesses and local law enforcement to police the behavior/ choices of private citizens making personal decisions about whether or not a mask is necessary after assessing personal risks with conflicting sources of information. The mandate invites conflict and the presence of low-frequency tension. 
I could go on all day about this but I won’t. Please do not extend this Draconian mandate. Let people decide for themselves what is right. 

CommentID: 80428