I believe it should go on the record, that the Virginia interfaith is a far left communist socialism supporting group. Much like Antifa, who are currently taking over our streets, defacing our monuments, vandalizing and terrorizing Our communities and businesses owners. Why wouldn’t they want to continue to terrorize us with mandatory masks, which they conveniently wore before covid-19, to cover their faces and escape justice. Piling on the hurt with economy crushing regulations forcing many businesses owners to close altogether. Continuing to deny citizens their constitutional rights, and forcing more regulations upon them, for a virus that is disappearing, and has a over 99% survival rate begin with, and less than .04% chance of infection, is negligent and actionable by law. Around 75% of all cases have been in nursing homes. We can not allow the public’s rights to be ignored and denied for small group of susceptible individuals, who are already more susceptible to any virus outbreak. No more masks (which can do more harm than good), no more social distancing, no more killing businesses, let kids be kids and go to school. Give us back the freedom that was unjustly stole From us in the first place!
It should also be noted that the Virginia interfaith group does not meet the requirements to claim 501-c3 status, they are a paid lobbyist group