Dear Chairman Carr and Board Members,
On behalf of the approximately 1,000 members of the Virginia Building and Code Officials Association (VBCOA), I am writing in support of the Board of Housing and Community Development decision to adopt the 2015 Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code as initially approved. I also want to commend the great work provided by the Department of Housing and Community Development staff and all of the stakeholders and code officials who invested countless hours in this effort. The Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code was an open process consisting of 11 public meetings from October 15, 2015 through August 26, 2016. The meetings were attended by Building Officials, Fire Officials and affected stakeholders to review and comment on the proposed code changes. Many opportunities were provided to address any concerns, including time extensions and additional meetings. An incredible effort was invested in this code. It was an open and transparent process and no evidence has been presented to date that would demonstrate lowering of life safety or creating unintended consequences by adoption of the regulations. In fact, life safety should improve through a better understanding of the requirements by eliminating confusing and unenforceable language.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gregg Fields
President, VBCOA