During the BHCD meeting on July 30th, it was recommended by the board that specific code changes be submitted for review during the open comment period before the September 7th meeting. However, the changes incorporated are too voluminous to evaluate and write recommendations within such a short timeframe. In addition, during the last open comment period, problems with specific code sections were clearly outlined.
Although a workgroup was able to perform a re-write of the “unenforceable” codes, mainly through the first ten chapters, it is evident from previous comments they are riddled with issues, concerns, and apparent unintended consequences. The sheer volume of changes with identified issues should have anyone concerned there are undeniably more unidentified issues.
I urge the board to adopt only the seventeen proposed code changes (Book 5, Part 1, Tabs 1&3) to the SFPC. In addition I support the proposal made by the Virginia Fire Prevention Association.