Virginia Petroleum Convenience and Grocery Associaiton is a statewide nonprofit trade assocition representing the Commonwealth's petroleum marketers and convenince store operators. We are an advocate of the change to the fire prevention code to prohibit mobile fueling operations exept in emergenices and farm vehicles. This proposal was reviewed in depth during the stakeholder meetings and emerged without opposition, supported by the public safety and business communities alike. We urge your favorable consideration on this consensus item. Thank you for your consideration.
Michael J. O'Connor
5706.1.1 Mobile fueling operations. Delivery of Class I, Class II, and Class III liquids to the fuel tank of a highway vehicle from a tank vehicle, a tank carried on a vehicle, or a nonportable container is prohibited.
1. The refueling of highway vehicles in an emergency.
2. The refueling of vehicles in compliance with Sections 5706.5.4.1 through 5706.5.4.5.
3. Vehicles used for farm operations and machinery.
2. Change Section 5706.2.4.2 to read: