I graduated from UVA in 2003 and moved to California and practiced in San Diego for the first 4 years, then moved back to Virginia and practiced 2 more years with a residential program that folded because of economic crash and lack of insurance reimbursement on this coast. Then transitioned to a Free Clinic which was first to provide psych services full-time with grant from VHCF. My concern.....locating the physicians who could attest to my competence. Please make this realistic for those of us who have been out there a long time and have moved. It would be realistic to get the companies human resources departments attestation to my employment and time with them; but much harder to get the actual physician at the time. Please take this into consideration. Also, we already pay many licensure fees. I'm not sure why a fee would be necessary for this transition to practice. Thank you and looking forward to the transition!