Action | Requirement for CACREP accreditation for educational programs |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 7/14/2017 |
It would be a mistake for Virginia to narrow access to Mental Health services to CACREP only programs. Education and delivery is constantly changing, so why lock the options? Having been in practice at least 15 years before CACREP even existed, letting Universities define the profession is a mistake. This harms mental health access and hurts rural and underserved populations. This is not a wise choice and will only harm the profession in years to come. CACREP is a business that seeks to justify its own existence, in essence, to tell a licensing board it cannot establish standards independent of the CACREP university. This is foolishness and justifies higher tuitions, and serves as a false elitist tool to control counselors practicing their craft. No to CACREP.