I am writing in opposition to HB 1228. The potential of limiting sanctioning bodies will not help with the growth of this sport which provides economic boosts to many communities in Virginia. In Winchester Frederick County, Mixed Martial Arts has created some quarterly or monthly economic impact as hotels, eating establishments, local stores and shops see new business when regional MMA competitors come to town. Having different sanctioning bodies available allows for the promotions to work with whom ever is available at any point during the course of the year. While I am not a promoter or affiliated with any one group I have been engaged as a Chamber of Commerce representative and as a local business provider of service to the promotions. I do know that sanctioning businesses like any other operate for profit providing their services to the promotions. Limiting things to one company or making it harder to become a santioning body will create additional costs for promotions and could create scheduling conflicts and also conflicts between promotional groups looking to get coverage for their events. Keeping competition fair and open with options is the way to promote fair business pratices. Regulation is important but some of the language in this bill seems restrictive to commerce which we don't need in this state right now. ANYTHING that can be done to improve competition and growth is best for the business climate and I thank you for taking the time to read this.