Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action 2015 Voter Registration Application Regulation and Form Update
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/3/2015
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7/29/15  10:21 am
Commenter: Herb De Groft

Voter Registration form is not broken.

Why would the Gov have the State Bd of Elections to "fix" a form that is not broken.......all because some people are not "bright" enough to answer the few questions, particularly those related to checking a few boxes ??  Does any-one else "smell a rat" as I think I do.??  Let's be clear in the msg to the Gov........let well enough alone.  For those individuals who would try to "game" the system,  may they do so at their own risk of being prosecuted for "voter fraud"....... easily, by Commonwealths Attorneys across Virginia.  The "form" is not broken....period.

CommentID: 40593