Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for Licensure of Abortion Facilities [12 VAC 5 ‑ 412]
Action Amend Regulations Following Periodic Review
Comment Period Ended on 2/11/2015
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1/12/15  5:21 pm
Commenter: Millie Kantner

Anti TRAP law

The science is in. Abortions are not dangerous. They are even safer than childbirth. New drugs make it even more safe. These medications can be, and are being  given in the home setting in other countries and some states. Women are not dying, nor having a lot of complications after abortions. 

The law already permits abortions as it permits each person's decision to have various  other procedures at outpatient clinics. Physicians set the standards and qualifications for medical procedures, backed up by plenty of research. With this in mind, why should politicians and the religious right have the power to prevent any woman's decision or need to have a safe abortion by passing bogus laws in the name of keeping women safe? Why does it matter if a hallway is 6 ft. wide? These regulations are not being required for other outpatient procedures. They are only being required to provide stumbling blocks to make it much harder for women to access their legal right to have safe medical care. These stumbling blocks have a seriously detrimental effect on the poor. 

Please  remove these bogus rules and allow women to make their own health care decisions with their medical doctors. 

Thank you,  Millie Kantner





CommentID: 36806