Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/17/14  9:40 pm
Commenter: D. G. G., Election Officer and Voter

What is a Vote?

When did buying a case of beer become more important than a VOTE?  Seems that ABC shops and establishments that sell liquor are able to process picture IDs without too much trouble.  When did buying an airline ticket or using your credit card (w/ valid ID) become more important than a VOTE?  Seems to me that both the airline ticket counter and the TSA can process great lines of valid picture IDs without too much trouble.  By the way, old people and people who speak little English are still able to travel.

When did our VOTE become so irrelevant?  Let us keep things easy - some say.  That is when you have forgotten how much blood, sweat, and tears went into keeping your VOTE free.  By the way, people are still dying all over the world to have a free election in their country.

Keep your VOTE secure!  Keep your VOTE relevant!  Keep your future elections honest!  Times have changed and so must the way we need to be sure you are, who you say you are!  Has anyone heard of identy theft?  Our version of Life Lock is a valid picure identification!  That is pretty simple!

This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue.  This is an American issue!  

CommentID: 33261