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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Nursing
Regulations Governing the Practice of Nursing [18 VAC 90 ‑ 19]
Action Fee Increase 2024
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 2/14/2025
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2/12/25  12:56 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

No increase in price

I feel as though the price increase for RNs is unnecessary. If the price increases, what benefit will we see due to this? If there is a reason for the increase that is justifiable then maybe but if there will be no benefit to current RNs then please leave the pricing the same. If you are only doing to pad the paychecks of current employees then I'm hands down against this increase. Will we have increased protection? Will staffing be fixed due to the increase? No. Nothing will change. In fact, the nursing shortage may get worse if new nurses can't afford to take the NCLEX and already practicing nurses struggle to pay the increase. Please reconsider.

CommentID: 232591