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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Nursing
Regulations Governing the Practice of Nursing [18 VAC 90 ‑ 19]
Action Fee Increase 2024
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 2/14/2025
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2/11/25  9:15 pm
Commenter: chelsea

Don’t increase the renewal fee!

As a Virginia RN, I take pride in my profession and understand the need for the Board of Nursing to be properly funded. However, increasing the renewal fee that much feels like an unnecessary burden on nurses who are already facing challenges like burnout, staffing shortages, and rising costs. Many of us work long hours to provide the best care for our patients; shouldn’t we be supported rather than hit with higher fees? I hope VBON will reconsider this increase or at least provide more transparency on why it’s necessary and how these additional funds will be used to support nurses. 


CommentID: 232460