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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Transportation
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2/11/25  2:37 pm
Commenter: Ken Notis

Adopt the new MUTCS with improved bike signals and facilities

I urge the adoption by the Commonwealth of Virginia of the new MUTCD, and the implementation of features that will improve safety for vulnerable road users, including

  • Protected bicycle lanes (separated by physical barriers);

  • Dedicated bicycle signal faces and bicycle-specific traffic signal timing.

  • Painted bike facilities and bike boxes (advanced stop lines for bicyclists at intersections);

  • Contraflow bicycle lanes (enabling two-way bicycling on one-way streets);

  • Mid-block crossings and pedestrian hybrid beacons with bicycle accommodations; and

  • Contextual guidance on speed limit setting with a de-emphasis of the 85th percentile in non-freeway or rural highway settings.


CommentID: 232381