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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Social Services
State Board of Social Services
Standards for Licensed Assisted Living Facilities [22 VAC 40 ‑ 73]
Action Minimum Liability Insurance for Assisted Living Facilities
Stage Emergency/NOIRA
Comment Period Ended on 9/11/2024
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9/11/24  9:29 pm
Commenter: Yanova Mitchener, Golden Care Services

Significant financial implications for facilities that serve lower-income populations

The requirement for assisted living facilities (ALFs) to maintain a minimum level of liability insurance, as outlined in Chapter 580 of the 2023 Acts of assembly (sb1221), could have significant financial implications for facilities that serve lower-income populations. Here are several ways in which this mandate might adversely affect these facilities:  

  1. Higher Insurance premiums
  2. Operational Strain
  3. Potential for Facility closures

As an owner of a small facility of 6 I have found it extremely challenging to keep up with the ever so fast changing of the requirements that causes a Finacial increase, with the slow increase of the auxiliary grant. I have seen so many go out of business due to these changes. 

I ask that you all look at the need and the quality-of-care individuals receive at smaller homes that are licensed and take that into consideration when you decide on extreme changes that will pose financial strain. No one is asking to not hold insurance were just asking for REASON. When serving an already underserved population.

CommentID: 227786