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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/30/24  2:29 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

HB909/SB488 (2024)

Through years of dedicated care, I have become an expert in maintaining the delicate balance necessary to stabilize my child’s metabolic levels. The idea of entrusting this responsibility to an outsider, who may not fully grasp the gravity of a minor miscalculation, is terrifying. I must remain the first and foremost caregiver to ensure that my child’s complex medical needs are met with the utmost accuracy and care. The regulations under HB909/SB488 have rightly acknowledged the irreplaceable role I play as an LRI in safeguarding my child’s life. Any amendments that attempt to diminish this role would be a catastrophic error, introducing the risk of deadly metabolic imbalances caused by inexperienced caregivers. I vehemently oppose the Application for 1915(c) HCBS Waiver: Draft VA.004.05.03 03 section that focuses on finalizing/amending the rules set by HB909/SB488 when an (LRI) is the paid aide/attendant for the personal care service as it endangers the lives of children with severe medical conditions by threatening the consistency and expertise that only a committed LRI can provide.The need for immediate action to prevent such amendments is urgent.

CommentID: 227535