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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/30/24  12:38 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


My son has advanced Multiple Sclerosis (MS), requiring specialized care to manage their symptoms and prevent complications. Over the years, I have developed a comprehensive care plan that addresses their fluctuating needs. A new caregiver unfamiliar with the intricacies of MS could inadvertently cause harm through improper care. I should be the primary caregiver to ensure that my parent receives the expert care they require. The provisions in HB909/SB488 have been critical in allowing me to maintain this high standard of care. The Virginia General Assembly’s actions have ensured that my parent’s health remains stable under my vigilant watch. Any amendments to these provisions would risk introducing caregivers who might not fully understand the complexities of MS, leading to a decline in my parent’s health. The current waiver draft could require us to rely on less experienced caregivers, which could result in improper management of MS symptoms and further deterioration of my parent’s condition.

CommentID: 227517