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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/30/24  11:21 am
Commenter: Anonymous


My son requires round-the-clock care, and I've had multiple instances where hired aides have not shown up or were late. As their LRI, I am always present and fully committed to their well-being. My child’s care is too important to leave to chance with an unfamiliar aide. I should be the first choice, ensuring reliable and personalized care. The actions passed through HB909/SB488 have been a lifeline, allowing me to provide consistent and dependable care for my child. The assurance that I can be compensated for my time has enabled us to avoid the uncertainty of unreliable outside help. Changing this would reintroduce the very issues we’ve fought so hard to eliminate. The current waiver draft might force us to depend on caregivers who have proven to be inconsistent, putting my child's health at risk. This would disrupt the reliable care my child currently receives and increase our anxiety over potential gaps in care.

CommentID: 227505