Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Board for Barbers and Cosmetology
Barbering and Cosmetology Regulations [18 VAC 41 ‑ 20]
Action Lower Cosmetology Training to 1,000 Hours
Stage Final
Comment Period Ends 7/3/2024 (today!)
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6/27/24  1:40 pm
Commenter: Haley Blyler

Cosmetology Hour Reduction and Curricular Change

As a future Cosmetologist with over 10 years experience in the industry across the U.S., and a daughter of a 30 year salon owner, I strongly disagree with the change in curriculum and reduction of hours for the cosmetology program. In my years of experience, the NUMBER ONE service that is in demand, no matter where you go, is hair. The hands-on experience with real humans is the most important part of our education.

As some other states may be dropping their hours for Cosmetology, there are still states who have hours well over 2000 and Hair is a majority of that program. Future cosmetologists and hairstylists will lack confidence, and possibly damage  clients' hair if they do not have the proper education and hands-on experience before getting licensed and stepping out into the industry. Keeping the hours at 1500 is important. Most people don’t realize the amount of education we actually receive on hair and it’s serious that we’re educated well. It is detrimental that students learn the proper background of hair and the science behind it, as well as getting hands-on experience with every different type of hair. If the hours are reduced, that will be almost impossible. We work with chemicals and tools that can cause great damage if not used properly and we need the time to practice with these things. We already lack enough hours on the floor with real clients as it is, so I would be terrified for future Cosmetologists if they were thrown out into it with less experience than that.

Our goal as Cosmetologists is to be knowledgeable, help people feel confident, and educate them on how to make sure their hair is as healthy as possible. If Cosmetologists lack education in hair, everyone in the future industry will suffer. The knowledge we receive in skin and nails is efficient enough for basic services, and there are other programs that offer further education in those areas if a student decides to pursue that. A majority of the students in Cosmetology school are there for the hair portion and we all want to keep as much in the curriculum for it as possible. Please consider this from not only one, but many other concerned future Cosmetologists, current Cosmetologists, Educators, and clients. We desperately need these hours. Our industry depends on it. 


CommentID: 226095