Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
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6/7/24  8:26 pm
Commenter: Andy Cortez

I Support VMRC Staff Recommendation to Renew the Crab Dredge Closure

According to the results of the 2023-2024 Chesapeake Bay Winter Dredge Survey, adult male and female blue crab abundance decreased, and the female population remains below the target threshold.  Juvenile crab abundance is nearly 1/2 of what it should be.  In spite of this, harvest by weight, dockside value and the number of crabbers all increased in 2023.  There is no need to re-open winter crab dredging too soon.

Now is the time to continue conservation measures to protect winter female crabs, many of which have yet to spawn.  It's short-sighted to borrow from the future to benefit the wallets of a few.

CommentID: 225813