Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Pharmacy
Regulations Governing the Practice of Pharmacy [18 VAC 110 ‑ 20]
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6/3/24  7:52 pm
Commenter: Jennifer Gillis

Please do NOT schedule kratom

 After waking up one day in 2005, paralyzed from my neck down, I was eventually diagnosed with transverse myelitis in 2006, becoming a chronic pain patient. For 13 years, I endured living in pain every day until I discovered kratom in May of 2019. I've been consuming it responsibly for nearly five years has granted me a second chance at life! Unlike any prescription pain medication I've been prescribed over the years, kratom has provided unparalleled relief. I no longer suffer every day; I can get out of bed and be a mom! I can go to school functions run errands, go to the store, and just live life without suffering. Though I regained mobility I still face many physical limitations, however I'm no longer confined by constant pain. Thanks to this amazing plant. Please don't schedule kratom in your state let the people have the freedom to choose how to manage their chronic pain. There are so many people suffering at it is this will only make it worse for the Virginia citizens who are relying on this plant to live a normal life. 

CommentID: 222694