Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Pharmacy
Regulations Governing the Practice of Pharmacy [18 VAC 110 ‑ 20]
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6/3/24  7:19 pm
Commenter: Misty Brown


In 2008. I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease(L4-L5) and epilepsy. That began a whole slew of different kinds of pain pills, injections, doctors’ appointments and pharmacies. I noticed I started becoming addicted to pain pills after I lost my house and my job in 2009 due to my health issues. That and issues going on in my home life slammed me into a deep depression.

From then on I couldn’t function without a pill. I’d be so out of it for 2 weeks out of the month because my 30 day supply would only last me a couple of weeks. When I wasn’t pilled up, I stayed in bed and only did the bare minimum in life until my next doctor’s appointment. My pill cocktail was Oxycodone, MS Contin, Soma, Klonopin and fioricet.

I was fired from my pain management clinic in April 2019 because I didn’t show up for a per contract pill count. I knew I was 11 pills short so I just didn’t show up! From May to June my kid’s father came out here for my second daughter’s graduation. I had already gone through detox and I think he helped occupy my mind. My plan was once we dropped him off at the airport, I was going to start looking for another doctor.

Instead, I watched Leaf of Faith on June 25th 2019. I learned that Kr@tom is a Southeast Asian herb that many are using for pain relief and to treat addiction.

The very next day I went to the local smoke shop and bought some Kr@tom. And here I am today, sober-ish and staying sober-ish because of Kr@tom and w33d! Kr@tom not only brings my pain level from a 10 to a 3, it also stops the opioid cravings and elevates my mood along with the w33d.

I am a brand-new version of the old me. I am a thriving and functioning mother and member of society again. Plain leaf unadulterated Kr@tom and w33d are the tools I need for recovery . In all honesty, I am still amazed that I’m alive today.

If you think plain leaf unadulterated Kr@tom doesn’t work, then by all means ask me how I am a recovered addict today.

I and millions of others are living, breathing proof that Kr@tom works! Kr@tom is FREEDOM, Kr@tom is LIFE!

CommentID: 222679