Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
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1/18/24  12:27 pm
Commenter: Floyd Warren

I sincerely support this petition

AS a resident who lives on the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary, the Patuxent River, I personally have seen the degradation of the Bay fisheries and wildlife due to the depletion of the menhaden food source. Ten years ago, we had trophy striped bass throughout the Bay, large blue fish and abundant crabs, but now we have none of those due to Omega Protein raping of the Bay's main food source, the menhaden. We also had Osprey fighting for nesting spots to grow their young, but now we have very few osprey and most nesting poles are empty.  Shame on Virginia for allowing this to happen and shame on Omega Protein for knowingly damaging the Chesapeake Bay and the surrounding lands.

The reduction fishery by Omega Protein must stop or be moved offshore past the three mile limit. 

CommentID: 221176