Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
Chapter is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
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1/18/24  10:50 am
Commenter: Scott Horton

I support the petition

I Support the petition particularly the part that calls for removing them from the bay.  It has become clear that menhaden are being depleted from the bay. The industry did not hit their bay cap this year in spite of adding an additional harvest vessel.  also, the peer reviewed osprey research shows that osprey chiks are starving in the lower bay due to lack of menhaden.  Also, the bulk of the entire coastal menhaden harvest is coming from a relatively small area of the Virginia coast.  Research has shown there is little movement into this area during the peak summer harvest season which increases the likelihood of local depletion.     When we raise these issues the industry and regulators often say "there is no science to support your concerns."  Well, we all (VIMS, VMRC, industry, CBF, NOAA) worked together in August to develop a research plan which is now House Bill 19.  I am extremely disappointed to learn that the industry is lobbying against this bill because they don't want science!  This is totally unacceptable and demonstrates what kind of company we are dealing with!  They must be removed from the bay until science can show it is not causing harm.  Finally, the impact of intense reduction fishing along the eastern shore is very apparent and is negatively effecting the sustainable life of the bay

CommentID: 221148